Protect Project Development!

Last week at PCBC, CBIA shared  the importance of supporting and passing the statewide school bond.  We need your financial support today! 

New housing and project development could be stopped in its tracks unless a new $9 billion statewide school bond is approved this November.

State funding has been exhausted and there is a $2 billion backlog of local school district projects in need of funding for safety repairs, seismic renovations, and new school construction.

Failure to pass a statewide school bond would be devastating for new construction:

  • Local school districts could levy Level III school mitigation fees or any amounts they deem necessary on new projects to build and update school facilities.
  • CEQA lawsuits could be used to stop projects or hold them hostage.
  • Building moratoriums could be enacted in areas without sufficient state funding for school facilities.

Contribute and help pass the $9 Billion School Bond today!